ジュリアス マルティネス / Julius C. Martinez

所 属
国際学部 国際文化学科
職 名
学 歴
2003 University of the East, Philippines
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
2009 Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
MA in English Language and Literature Teaching
2013-current University of the Philippines
PhD in Language Education
MA in English Language and Literature Teaching
2019 University of the Ph
学 位
2009 Ateneo de Manila University
MA in English Language and Literature Teaching
職 歴
2015-2016 Trainer, Pearson Education South Asia
2015-2016 Faculty, Saint John’s Catholic School, Indonesia
2013-2015 Lecturer, University of the Philippines – Diliman
2013-2015 Instructor, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
2007-2013 English Area Coordinator, Saint John’s Catholic School, Indonesia
2005-2007 Faculty, Malayan High School of Science, Philippines
2003-2005 Faculty, Saint Mary’s Academy of Caloocan City, Philippines
University Scholar, 1st semester, SY 2013-2014
University of the Philippines College of Education
Best Paper, 1st Education Graduate Conference, 5 October 2013
University of the Philippines College of Education
Travel Grant, Amazing Minds 2013 Conference, Bali Indonesia
Pearson Education South Asia Hong Kong
Travel Grant, Amazing Minds 2012 Conference, Danang, Vietnam
Pearson Education South Asia Hong Kong
First Place, Research Presentation Competition 2011
Pearson Education South Asia Hong Kong
First Place, Classroom Action Research Competition 2010
Lembaga Bahasa & Pendidikan Profesional LIA Jakarta, Indonesia
Multi/translingualism; Sociolinguistics; Language education
The Japanese Association for Asian Englishes; Linguistic Society of the Philippines
① Martinez, J., & Martin, I.(forthcoming).Turns in English education in the Philippines. In A. Moody(Ed.),The Oxford Handbook of Southeast Asian Englishes. UK: Oxford University Press.
② Martinez, J., & Martin, I.(forthcoming).Philippine English. In K. Bolton(Ed.),The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes. UK: John Wiley & Sons.
③ Martin, I.,& Martinez, J.(forthcoming).Philippine Englishes within and beyond the Philippines. In K. Burridge and R. Hickey(Eds.).New Cambridge History of the English Language(Volume VI: English in Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific).UK: Cambridge University Press.
① Martinez, J., & Bae, K.(forthcoming).A semiotics of demarcation in Manila’s Korean Neighborhood. Linguistic Landscape: An International Journal.
② Martinez, J.(forthcoming).Understanding inequalities in Philippine English through job interviews. World Englishes.
③(2021)A‘ new’ hierarchy of English teachers: the‘ half- native’ English teacher as a neoliberal, racialized and gendered subject. Asian Englishes.
④(2021)Recovering translingualism in precolonial Philippines. International Journal of Multilingualism.
⑤(2019)Semiotic resources in everyday communication. NUIS Journal of International Studies, 4, 73-90.
⑥(2019)Adamson, J., Steward, A., Smith, C., Lander, B., Fujimoto-Adamson, N., Martinez, J. and Masuda, M.Exploring the publication practices of Japan-based EFL scholars through collaborative autoethnography. English Scholarship Beyond Borders, 5(1),3-31.
⑦(2018)Preparing teachers to teach English as an international language. Asian Englishes, 20(2),186-189.
⑧(2017)English language education in Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines: A Survey of Trends, Issues and Challenges. NUIS Journal of International Studies, 2, 83-93
⑨(2015)Orchestrating a Pedagogy of Negotiated Voice in Writing. ACELT Forum, 9, 2-8.
⑩(2014)Cross-Fertilizing Original and Simplified Literary Texts. ACELT Forum, 8(1),10-16.
⑪(2009)Using Simplified Literary Texts in the English Language Classroom. In Selected Proceedings of the 2nd RAFIL International Conference on East-West Encounters. Yogjakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.