渡辺 慎太郎
午前=カヌー 午後=乗馬
今日はカナダ生活最後の観光だ。僕たちは朝早く懐かしのリスターホール(寮)へと集まった。ところで余談だが、僕は一昨日ホームステイ先の猫に噛ま れた。最悪な1日だった。凶悪な猫であるということを聞いていて、機嫌を損なわないよう下手に出ながら付き合っていただけに、僕の怒りと悲しみは最高潮に 達した。さて話を戻そう。今日は待ちに待った2度目のカヌーだ。みんなこの日をいまかいまかと待ちわびていた。マチヤとユーヤは飛び上がって喜んでいた。 しかし現地に着いてみると、そこは前回のレイク・ルーイスとは似ても似つかぬ汚らしい湖だった。がっくりきて意気消沈したユーヤは「Holding my water!!」と叫びながらトイレへと猛ダッシュしていった。突如として狂いだしたユーヤを抑えるため、僕たちはしかたなくトイレへと着いていくのだっ た。湖は汚かったが、カヌー自体は面白かった。前回のレイク・ルーイスでの経験があったので、漕ぐことに苦労はしなかった。さて、次に場所を移動し、僕た ちは牧場へと向かった。ここでは乗馬の前にランチタイムがあった。ここで僕たちは馬の肉だか牛の肉だか分からないがステーキを食べた。何の肉か分からな かったが美味しかった。美味しい食事を終えた後、僕らはいよいよ乗馬をすることになった。牧場に入った途端、馬のモノスゴいモノを見せられ全員ひるんだ が、何を見たかは見た人間だけの心にしまっておこう。ここで文章で表現するのはやめておいた方がいいと判断する。ところでその馬だが、モノもデカいが体格 もデカい。たぶん日本の馬よりデカいんじゃないか??おなじ馬なのにどうして国によってサイズが違うのかと思うが、とにかく日本の馬よりデカい(気がし た!)。直に乗ってみてまじまじと見たからそう見えるのかもしれないが、とにかく僕たちは馬に乗った。僕たちは1列に連なって進んだ。途中いきなり、1頭 の馬が列を乱した。そう、ユーヤの馬だ。まったく、飼い主に似るというが本当で、輪を乱す。そう思っていたらその馬は突然小便を始めた、本当に飼い主に似 ている。そうこうしながらも、僕たちはカナダの雄大な自然と馬の躍動感を存分に満喫した。非情に素晴らしい経験だった。
It is the last sightseeing of Canadian life today. We gathered to the bosom Lister Hole at early morning. By the way,I was bit by the cat of a homestay yesterday. It was the one worst day. while it is modest so that it may hear that it is a cruel cat and may not be hurt. My anger and sadness reached the climax. Now, I will return the talk. It is the 2nd long-awaited canoe today. It was getting tired of waiting for this day with now or now wholly. MACHIYA and YUYA flew up and were glad. However, when it reached there, it was the dirty lake where it does not resemble there closely even if the last REIKU RUISU is alike. Coming suddenly, dispirited YUYA carried out the dash to the toilet, shouting, "Holding my water!!" suddenly in order to stop YUYA which carries out and began to be out of order, it arrived at the toilet without the method of I ends The canoe itself was interesting although the lake was dirty. Since there was experience by the last Lake Luice, difficulties were not carried out to pulling an oar. Now, next it moved in the place and I went to the pasture. Here, there was lunchtime before horse riding. Although it does not understand whether be the meat of a horse, or I am the meat of a cow, I ate the steak here. It was delicious although it does not understand what meat it is. After finishing a delicious meal, I will do horse riding still more. Although the monochrome of a horse could be shown and all the members flinched from just as it went into the pasture, what was seen will keep in the heart of only the man who saw. It judges expressing by the text here as it is better to stop. By the way,the physique also although it is the horse. Isn't probably it from a Japanese horse? Although it thinks why size changes with countries although it is the same horse, it is big (mind carried out!) from a Japanese horse anyhow. Although it may be visible so since it rode soon and saw steadily, I rode on the horse anyhow. I stood in a row and progressed to one sequence. One horse disturbed the sequence suddenly the middle. It is the horse of right YUYA. Completely, although it is said that an owner is resembled, it is true, and a ring is disturbed. as it thought that that was right, the horse began urine suddenly the owner is resembled truly Though carried out so like this, I enjoyed fully the feeling of a lively motion of the grand nature of Canada, and a horse. It was a wonderful experience coldhearted.