title 見出し


name 担当者氏名


schedule today 今日の予定


main event today 今日の主な出来事

今日はホームステイが始まってから初めての休日であるとともに、ホームステイが始まってからちょうど一週間たった日でもありました。ホームステイ先 の家族や暮らしにもだんだんと慣れてきたところもあります。しかし!!私はホームステイになってからの方が、よりホームシックが強くなってきました。それ は多分、朝から晩まで英語で話さなければならないというプレッシャーと、自分の意志を上手く伝えることもできないというもどかしさからくるものだと思いま す。リスターホールに居た時は、日本語の通じる仲間達とずっと一緒に居れたからまだ良かったものの、英語しかしゃべれない生活というのは私にとってかなり 過酷なものであると改めて実感しました。 しかし今日は休日☆昨日も土曜日なので休みでした。昨日はホストマザーとホストシスターと一緒に買い物に行きました。言っていることが分からないという場 面も多々ありましたが、楽しく買い物をエンジョイしました。 今日は渡辺君と一緒にウエストエドモントンモールに行きました。私は今日でエドモントンモールは3回目。結構行ってる方だと思います。今日は1回目の時も 2回目の時も果たせなかった、潜水艦に乗る!!という目的で行きました。この潜水艦というのは、エドモントンモール内にあって、人工的に作った海を結構大 きい潜水艦で見れるという、日本にもありそうな施設です。実際よく見てみると、潜水艦が通るレールが見えたりして、結構子供だましみたいな感じでした。し かも、大人一回$12!!!・・・あきらめました。 少しがっかりしていると、面白いショーを発見しました。潜水艦乗り場の近くに飛び込み台があります。そこでいろんな飛込みのショーをやっていたのです。お 金を払うといい席で見れるのですが、立ち見でも十分良く見えたので、しばし観賞することにしました。渡辺君はなんと2日連続でW.E.Mに通いました。そ う、昨日も友達と来たそうです。昨日もこのショーはやっていたということなので、多分毎日開催していると思います。最初に4人のお兄さんが華麗な飛び込み を披露した後、最後には何とか大会で優勝したという、お兄さんが、なんと!!!プールの上の屋根から飛び込むのです。私はかなり感動しました。でも渡辺君 は昨日も見たので、そうでもなかったようです。。 辺りを見渡すと、まだ店が少ししか開いていません。なぜかというと、開店は正午12:00だからです。カナダのお店は、休日より平日の方が長く開いている んです。それを知ってはいましたが、まさか12:00からだとは。。ちなみに日曜の閉店時間は6:00です。 私達は12:00まで時間をつぶして、お店が開いてからショッピングをしました。私は古着屋みたいな感じのお店でブラウスを一着買いました。それと、私の ホストマザーの誕生日が31日だということで、メッセージカードとワイングラスをプレゼントに買いました。かなり色鮮やかな鳥をあしらった、美しいワイン グラスです。喜んでくれたらいいなぁ。

Events today in English

After the homestay started today, while being the first holiday, after the homestay started, it was also the day which has passed for one week exactly. There is also a place which has got used also to the family of a homestay place or the life gradually. however -- !! Homesickness is becoming [ the direction after I am staying ] strong more. Probably it thinks that it is what comes from the impatience that skillful cannot do the pressure that it must talk in English from a morning to an evening, and its will, either. Since it was much together with the friends to whom Japanese is understood when it was in a RISUTA hole, although it was still good, the life which can speak only English felt actually anew that it was quite severe for me. However, since holiday * yesterday was also Saturday today, it was a rest. It went to do some shopping together with host Mother and host Sister yesterday. Although there was also a scene where it did not know that it has said, plentifully, shopping was enjoyed happily. It went to West Edmonton Mall together with Mr. Watanabe today. For me, the Edmonton mall is the 3rd time by the end of today. I think that it is the direction currently performed very well. Also at the 1st time, it went today in order to call it !! which was not able to achieve at the 2nd time, either and which rides on a submarine. This submarine is the institution which Japan is also likely to have that the sea which is in the Edmonton mall and was made artificially can be seen by fairly large submarine. when it often actually looks at, the rail along which a submarine passes appears and it is a child very well -- it was the touch which seems to be better and the adult 1 -- time $12 [!!! ] ... it gave up Interesting show was discovered when disappointed for a while. A diving board is near the submarine bus stop. Then, the show of various dives was done. Although it said that money was paid and could see in a seat, since seeing standing also looked sufficiently good, it decided to admire for a while. Mr. Watanabe went to what for two consecutive days at W.E.M. It is said that it also came with the friend right [ that ] and yesterday. Since I hear that this show was also done yesterday, I think that it is probably holding every day. The elder brother of having won the victory in the last in the convention somehow after four elder brothers announced splendid diving first is what!!! It jumps in from the roof on a pool. I was impressed considerably. It seems that but that was not right, either, since Mr. Watanabe also saw yesterday. . If the neighborhood is overlooked, the store is still opening only a few. It is because opening is noon 12:00 as to [ it / why ] it is. The weekday keeps the store in Canada for a long time from the holiday. Although it was known, they are 12:00 objects by no means. . Incidentally the closing time on Sunday is 6:00. We killed time to 12:00, and after the store opened, we did shopping. me -- a secondhand clothes store -- he bought the blouse the first place in the store of like touch I hear that the birthday of it and my host Mother is 31 days, and it bought the message card and the wineglass for the present. It is the beautiful wineglass which treated the quite vivid bird. What is necessary is just glad.

discovery today 今日の異文化発見

W.E.M. is true large. And it's very exciting!! Because there are many kind of shops and many atraction.

roudup today 今日のまとめ

The submarine is very very expensive!!! We couldn't ride it. I want to more price down!!!!!

other その他
