Rutherford House
8:00- Classes 10:00- Rutherford House 13:30- Conversation Club
今日はいつもの英語の授業の後、ミッシェルと昼食を食べに行くことになっていた。行き先は Rutherford House。
ラザフォードは、1907年にアルバータ大学のための立法を始め、また彼は今日あるアルバータ大学を設立した人だ。彼の家は1911年に完成し、ま た、かつて生徒らがラザフォードとお茶のためにそこに集まった。もちろん、家には学生のすべてが一度には入れないが、しかしその家は大学の重要な一部で あって、エドモントンの歴史的な建物のままなことには変わりない。
午後のカンバセーションクラブのあと、私は家に帰るとホストファミリーにバーベキューパーティーがあると言われ、どこに行くかもわからずに急いで支 度をした。家から車を走らせること約20分、ホストファミリーの家とはまた違う雰囲気の田舎な感じがするところに着いた。そこは庭が広く、バスケットゴー ルや卓球台、筋トレマシーンなどがあった。家の中もとても広くて驚いた。
そこにはすでにたくさんの人が集まっていて、親戚の集まりだとわかった。大人達は英語があまり話せない私に対して快く挨拶をしてくれた。子ども達は みんな地下の子ども部屋に集まってテレビを見ていた。たくさん居た子ども達はみんな私よりも年下で、はじめはその場にいる日本人を珍しそうに見ていた。し かし一言話してみるとみんな親切で、私が困っていると助けてくれた。
私はエミリーという7歳の女の子と友達になった。彼女にも日本人の友達が学校にいて、日本語を知りたいと思っていたらしく、私にいろいろ指さしてこ れは日本語でなんと言うのかと尋ねてきた。私の片言な英語にも面倒臭がらずに耳を傾けてくれ、聞き取れない単語などもゆっくり話してくれた。
It was to go to eat with Michelle and lunch after a usual English lesson today. Destination was Rutherford House.It is near to the University of Alberta.
This is the historical house of Mr. Rutherford who is the state governor of the beginning of the State of Alberta, and had the room of Mr. Rutherford and his family.
Rutherford initiated the legislation for the University of Alberta in 1907 and he chose the site where it stands today.His house was completed in 1911,and at one time the entire graduating class of the university would gather there for tea with Rutherford. of course the house would not hold all of today's students but it remains an important part of the University and a historical landmark of Edmonton.
The question paper was passed to us during session and we were divided into two teams. We cannot forget an English lesson, though it goes to somewhere, and become the historical study of Canada and also become English study.
Behind the conversation club of an afternoon, when I went home, I was told for there to be a barbecue party by the host family, and I prepared in a hurry, without it knowing where it goes. It arrived at the place which touch country atmosphere different from a host family's house again carries out after about 20 minutes by car from the house. The yard was large there and it had the basket goal, a ping-pong table, a line training machine, etc. The inside of a house was also surprised for it to be very large.
There, many persons have already gathered there and it turned out to be a gathering of a relative. Adults greeted pleasantly to me who can seldom speak English. All children gathered in the underground child's room, and were watching television. All the children that were in large numbers are younger than I, and the Japanese who is on that occasion was seen uniquely in the beginning. However, when it was wholly kind when spoken about a word, and I was in trouble, it helped.
I made friends with a 7-year-old girl called Emily. She also has a Japanese friend in a school and it has been inquired what do point at me who spread when you want to know Japanese variously, and this calls it in Japanese. The troublesome smell listened to and spoke also with babble I English slowly the word which cannot be caught at it.
We played ballet and basketball after that in the yard. Even if it can seldom take communication by means of language, it turns out what the child considers by the expression of a laughing voice or a face. Although it was short time, I was very pleasant for me to have talked and was one very precious day which became study.
カナダでは人の家で大人数で(バーベキュー)パーティーをすることが多い。日本だったら人の家でパーティーをするのは狭くて無理だし、パーティー自 体本当に特別な日しかしない。私の場合親戚の家に行くことも年に何回かと少ない。みんなで集まるたくさんの機会があって、特別な日ではなくても会って常に 交流を深められるので、とても楽しい時間が過ごせる。