午前―英語 午後―企業訪問
今日は午前の英語の後、午後は初めての企業訪問だった。訪問する企業は日本の企業であるFUJITSU。セバスチャンに車で送ってもらい、ライアン の案内で街中のビルの15階にあるFUJITSUに向かった。到着するとなぜか5分くらい待たされ、会議室みたいな部屋に案内された。そこでは缶ジュース とストローがだされた。シンタロウはそのストロー両端を両手で持ち右手と左手ですばやく交互に掴んで放してを繰り返すとストローが短く見えるという人間の 目の錯覚をうまく利用した画期的な遊びをみんなに紹介。それをみた河原先生はストローの先を手に持ち、鼻の穴に持っていき鼻の付近をもう片方の手で隠し、 ストローを持ったほうの手を鼻のほうに滑らせていくとストローがどんどん鼻に入っていくように見えるというこれまた目の錯覚を利用したおもしろい遊びを披 露。そのまま遊びを続けていると、これも目の錯覚かと思えるような長い眉毛の人物が登場。彼はその後、僕達にFUJITSUについていろいろ教えてくれ た。企業の説明といってもそれほど重苦しい雰囲気は無く、所々に笑いも入るような説明のやり方だったのでやりやすかった。しかし、雰囲気はいいのだが、簡 単な英語を選んでゆっくりと話してくれるライアンやミシェルと違い、日本人には速いと感じる英語だったのに加え、内容もFUJITSUの構造やシステムに 関することなので理解するのに苦労した。20分ほどの説明が終わった後、会社の中を一通り見学させてもらった。小さな会社なのでそれほど時間はかからな かった。社員たちは仕事中だったが機器などの説明を快く引き受けてくれた。その後は部屋に戻り質問タイム。僕たちはなかなか質問思いつかず、同行していた ライアンや永井先生、河原先生が先に質問してくれたので、それに便乗して我々生徒たちも質問をした。僕は説明内容の理解不足のため質問が思いつかず、でき なかった。ユウヤは16日の日記で述べた通り、携帯電話が故障している。その携帯はFUJITSUの製品なので「僕の携帯をここに持ってきたら直してくれ るか?」と質問したら。「Good luck!」と一言であしらわれた。それに腹が立ったのかユウヤは帰り際にコーラをひっくり返した。そして企業訪問が終了し、時間が余ったのでSouth Gate Mallにユウヤと二人で行った。なかなか広くてよかったが、特に買うものが無かったので一通り店を回ってすぐに帰った。その日の夕食はドリルの形をした パスタにチキンスープだった。食べ終わったら宿題をやり、僕とユウヤは翌朝寝坊することも知らず眠りについた。
It was the first visit to a company after English of ante-meridian in the afternoon today. The company which visits is FUJITSU which is the company in Japan. It went to FUJITSU which I have Sebastian send by car and is in the 15th floor of the building in a town by guidance to Lyan. if it arrives, he will be kept waiting about 5 minutes in why -- having -- a conference room -- it showed around in the room Can juice and the straw were taken out there. If Shintaro has with both hands, and the straw both ends are held by turns quickly, it releases them with a right hand and left hand and is repeated, it will introduce to everybody the epoch-making play which used well the illusion of the eyes of the human being that a straw looks short. the interesting play using the illusion of this that a straw seems to go into the nose rapidly if the dry river bed teacher who saw it slides the hand of the way which had the point of a straw in the hand, brought to the hole of a nose, obtained near the nose, hid by one of the two's hand, and had a straw on the way of a nose, and an eye -- an announcement If play is then continued, the person of long eyebrows who can also regard this as whether it is the illusion of an eye will appear. He taught me many things about FUJITSU after that. Even if it called it explanation of a company, there was so heavy no atmosphere, and since it was the way of explanation that laughter also went into some places, it was easy to do it. However, unlike Lyan and Michelle who choose easy English and talk slowly, in addition to having been English it is thought to Japanese people that is quick, pains were taken to understand, since it is that the contents are also related with the structure and the system of FUJITSU although atmosphere was good. After the explanation for about 20 minutes finished, I was allowed to inspect the inside of a company briefly. Since it was a small company, it did not take time so much. Although employees were under work, they took over explanation of apparatus etc. pleasantly. After that, it returns to the room and is the time of a question. Mr. Nagai and Mr. Kawahara asked me previously very much, the advantage of it was taken and we the students also asked a question. Since my understanding of the contents of explanation was insufficient, a question did not happen not to think and I did not get it. The cellular phone is out of order as the diary on the 16th described Yuya. Since the cellular phone is the product of FUJITSU, if a question is asked "Whether to correct if my carrying is brought here." It was treated with a word as "Good luck." Yuya spilled about cola to the time of leave. And the visit to a company was completed, and since time remained, it carried out to South Gate Mall by Yuya. Although it was rather large and was good, since there was nothing that is bought especially, it turned around the store briefly and returned immediately. The supper of the day was chicken soup at the pasta which carried out the form of a drill. Doing homework, when having finished eating, I and Yuya also attached oversleeping in the next morning to not-knowing sleep.