8:00〜12:00class 13:30〜15:00conversation club
今日は勝手に使っている目覚まし時計の音で目が覚めた。非常にうるさい!そしてカナダの朝は寒すぎる。夜も寒い。でも昼は暖かい。どのくらい寒い かと言うと、普通に暖炉焚いてるし!しかも、その暖炉にあたって泣きながら「あったけぇ〜」って、言うぐらい寒い。ホームステイはまたしてもマチヤと一緒 だ。マチヤとの同棲記録が5週間に伸びた。いや、待てよ、マチヤとは飛行機の席でも隣、新幹線の席も隣。マチヤ君!先生は僕らをくっ付けようとしてるみだ たいだ!!ということで、味噌汁とトーストという、一見ミスマッチでなかなか相性の良い朝食を済ませ僕らは家を飛び出した。ホストマザーのベティーに言わ れた通りに7:14分のバスに乗り、見事に遅刻した。只でさえ家が遠くて早起きしなくてはならないのに、これでは、先が思いやられる・・・。新しい生活リ ズム、まさに英語漬けの日々が始まり、授業中初めてストレスを感じた。なぜか気分が乗らない。いつもより長く感じた授業を終え、Conversation Clubへと突入した。今日はRlanの他にナイスガイのフィリップ、おとなしい感じのボーイ(名前忘れてごめんなさい)と共にカフェで会話に華を咲か せた。Ryanは話が行き詰まると、「まじでぇ〜!!」「アイ〜ン!!」など、覚えたての日本語を連呼しまくり、話を思いつくと優しい英語で話し始める。 そしてこれを繰り返す。また繰り返す。そして、時間になる。今日は寄り道せず真っ直ぐ家に帰った。リスターホールの生活と比べると遊ぶ時間、自由な時間が 極端に減った気がする。帰り、バスの乗り換えで待合室で待っている時、突然マチヤが逆方向行きのバスへ猛然とダッシュを仕掛けた。マチヤの目にはそのバス しか映ってない。まるで狂った闘牛のようだった。マチヤが待合室の出口で少しスピードを緩めたのを見て、僕は容赦なくタックルした。なんとかバスへのタッ チダウンを防ぐことが出来た。命がけだった。そんな感じで家に着き、パパッと宿題を終わらせ、適当にマチヤの相手をしてから眠りについた。これといって何 かをしたわけではないが、なんだか疲れた一日だった。早くホームステイに慣れたいものだ。
The eye awoke to the sound of the alarm clock currently used freely today. It is very noisy! And it is too cold in the morning of Canada. Night is also cold. But daytime is warm. When it says how cold it is, it is about which needs a fireplace. And happiness can be felt in the fireplace. The homestay is together with MACHIYA again. This record with MACHIYA was extended at five weeks. No, it can wait, a next door and the seat of the Shinkansen are also a next door also in the seat of an airplane together. Mr. MACHIYA! A teacher me attachment like is supposed us!! and is called miso soup and toast the rather congenial breakfast was apparently substituted for the mismatch, and I ran out of the house The bus for 7:14 minutes was taken as it said to Betty, host Mother, and it was splendidly late. Although a house of free is far and it must rise early, now, I feel anxious about the point ... a new life rhythm -- every day of English just started and stress was felt for the first time during session Feeling does not ride without knowing why. The lesson felt longer than usual was finished and it rushed into Conversation Club. The flower was made to bloom in the conversation other than Ryan in cafe today with Philip, a nice guy, and the boy (forgetting before a name I'm sorry) of gentle touch. If the talk is stuck, "Majideee!!", "Aiiin", etc. will call Japanese of memory length repeatedly earnestly, and Ryan will begin to speak it in English gentle to, if the talk is thought of. And this is repeated. Moreover, it repeats. And it becomes time. And it returned to the straight house today. I feel that time to play compared with the life of a Lister hall and free time decreased extremely. While waiting by return and the change of a bus in the waiting room, MACHIYA devised the dash to the bus for an opposite direction suddenly. Only the bus is reflected in the eye of MACHIYA. It seemed to be bullfighting which was out of order completely. Finding that MACHIYA loosened speed a little at the exit of the waiting room, I tackled merciless. The touchdown to a bus was able to be prevented somehow. It was desperate. And get home and homework was made to finish, and after talking to MACHIYA, it was attached to sleep. Although it is not called this and something was not necessarily carried out, it was one day which got tired somehow. I want to get used to a homestay early.