渡辺 慎太郎
今日もカナダは素晴らしい天気だ、と言いたいところだが!なんと今日はあいにくの雨。カナディアン・ロッキーツアーの最終日である今日は、朝食を済 ませたあとどこかの町でショッピングタイムがあるはずだったのだが、雨天続行不可能によりやむなく予定変更。僕たちを乗せたバスは一路バンフのショッピン グ街へと向かった。この街で僕たちはスーヴェニアー(土産)を買うことにより、とても充実した時を過ごした。昼食は新潟大学、熊本大学を合わせて「杉乃 屋」という日本食料理店でとった。ここの日本食はなかなかマトモだった。前に座っていた引率の外人が刺身を食べられないといって僕にくれた。その中のサー モンはカナダの特産だけあってやはりウマかった。食事が終わったあと、僕たちは5時間バスに揺られ、ホストファミリーの待つ寮へと戻った。バスの中、僕は 不安でいっぱいだった。今までは授業が英語漬けだった。それなりにハードだった。しかし、これまでは1日が終わって寮に帰れば日本語で生活できたため、心 の休まる時間があった。だがこれからはそうはいかない。授業が終わって家に帰ったら、授業以上にハードでリアルな英語が待ち受けている。もはや24時間が 戦闘体制で、どんな英語が飛び出してきても万全迎え撃つ状態で生活しなくてはいけない。そんな意気込みを抱きつつ意気消沈しながら寮に着いた僕らは、それ ぞれのホストファミリーと落ち合い、各家庭へと向かった。僕のホストファミリーは少し強面のおじさんだった。デンマーク出身で、妻のキャロルと2人で暮ら している。お互い仕事が忙しいから子供はいらないと言っていた。家にはもう1人、韓国からの学生がホームステイしていた。彼女はご飯を食べるとすぐ自分の 部屋にこもってあんまり喋らない、とホストファザーが言っていたが、確かにそうだった。ホント、これからの生活を思うとテンションが上がらないけど、英語 上達のために頑張りたい。今日は起きている時間の半分以上が移動時間だったため、日記に書くことがほとんどない。次回の日記は頑張ろう。。もうほんとテン ション低い。次回の日記までには生活に慣れ、テンションが高くなっていることを祈って…………
I want to say that Canada is also a wonderful weather today. It is unlucky rain what and today. Although there must have been a shopping time in some town after finishing breakfast today which is the final day of Canadian Rockies tour, it is schedule change more reluctantly impossible [ rainy weather continuation ]. The bus on which I was put went to the shopping town in Banff straight. By buying a souvenir (souvenir), I passed the time of being very substantial in this town. Lunch united Niigata University and Kumamoto University and took them at the Japanese meal restaurant a "SUGINOYA" The Japanese meal here was MATOMO very much. The foreigner of leading which was sitting down before said that it was not eaten by sliced raw fish, and gave it to me. The salmon in it has only the specialty of Canada and is horse too. After the meal finished, I returned to the dormitory for which host family wait into a 5-hour bus. In the bus, I was worried and full. The lesson was English until now. As it is, it was hard. However, since it lived in Japanese when one day finished until now and it returned to the dormitory, there was time to rest the heart. But it does not go so after this. If a lesson finishes and you go home, English more hard than a lesson and real is awaiting. You have to live on the state where 24 hours already meets perfectly in battle organization no matter what English may jump out. I who arrived at the dormitory while he was dispirited, holding such enthusiasm met each host family, and went to each home. Some of my host families were the uncles of respect motivated by fear. It is the Denmark graduate and lives on a wife's carol and two persons. Since work was busy mutually, the child had said that he was not needed. One more person and the student from South Korea stayed at the house. Although host father had said that she would be confined in her room and would not talk too shortly after she eats boiled rice, to be sure, that was right. If the life of in fact future is considered, although a tension will not go up, I want to do my best for English progress. Since more than the half of the time which has occurred was move time today, it hardly writes to a diary. A next diary will do its best. . In fact a tension is low. It gets used to a life by the next diary, and prays that the tension is high........