倉品 祐也
今日は日曜日。天気は晴れ。昨夜、特に予定をたてず眠りについた私は昼までぐっすり眠らせてもらった。リスターホール(大学内の寮)で同じ部屋の 町屋君(以後マチヤ)と隣の部屋を独り占めしている渡辺君(以後シンタロウ)と共に、リスターホール内のカフェで昼食をとることにした。カナダに来てから というもの、食費はバカにならない。不安も大きいが早くホストファミリーに食事を作ってもらいたいものだ。話を戻すが、カフェで永井先生や他のメンバーと 合流し話し合い、シティセンターへ行くことになった。シティセンターは地下鉄一本で行けるとても便利なショッピングモールである。もちろんカナダに来てか ら地下鉄に乗るのは初めてで、2ドルで90分乗り放題というとてもオープンなシステムになっている。さらに驚いたことに、駅員がどこの駅を探してもおら ず、また、みな普通の顔でバンバン車内に自転車で乗り込んで来る光景をみて、やはり日本とは違うなぁ、ということを痛感させられた。初めての地下鉄移動で 思わぬハプニングが起きた。あえて名前は伏せるが、女性3人が降りるべき駅で降りず見事に乗り過ごしてしまったのだ。自転車を持ち込んだ人たちが邪魔で降 りれなかったのが理由なのだが、まるでテレビのコントを見ているような光景だった。シティセンターでは3人1組のグループに別れ、集合時間と集合場所だけ をきめ各自自由行動をとることにした。私はシンタロウとマチヤと一緒にショッピングを楽しんだ。そこで、マチヤと割り勘でサッカーボールの購入に成功し た。その後マチヤが早くサッカーがしたいとダダをこねだした。ということで、私とマチヤはシンタロウを置き去りにして一足先に帰ることにした。芝のグラウ ンドやバスケットコートがリスターホールの近くにあるので、許可無く2人で2対2をした。マチヤはまともにボールが蹴れないものの、フリーキックは大した ものだった。燃料切れになったマチヤの要望で休憩をとり、気分転換にバスケをすることにした。バスケを始めて3秒後、いや10秒後ぐらいだろうか、隣の コートのカナディアンボーイ達が一緒に3オン3をやろうと言ってきた。やはり、カナダの人達はフレンドリーである。遅れてやって来たシンタロウも混ぜて やった。シンタロウはシティセンターで買った3ドルのお世辞でもカッコイイとは言えない、はっきり言ってダサい運動靴を自慢げに履いて来た。しかも改造し ていた。私たちはバスケットを通してカナダの人と交流を深めることができた。そして、言葉が通じなくてもボディラングエッジと笑顔があれば、コミュニケー ションは取れる!!という事を身を持って体験できた素晴らしい1日でした。
It is Sunday today. The weather is fine. I who did not build a schedule but went to sleep slept well till daytime last night. It decided to take lunch in the cafe in a Lister holl with Mr. Machiya, the room same in a Listerholl, and Mr. Watanabe who are monopolizing the next room. Much money was used on the thing of since it comes to Canada, and the meal. Although uneasiness is also large, I want a host family to make a meal early. Although the talk is returned, it will talk with Mr. Nagai or other members in cafe, and will go to City Center. City Center is the very convenient shopping mall which can go by one subway. after coming to Canada, of course, riding on a subway comes out for the first time, and it has become a very open system called a free ride for 2 dollars for 90 minutes Furthermore, surprisingly, a station employee does not look for a station of what, either, and many people get in in the car by the bicycle by the ordinary face wholly. It was made to keenly realize seeing the spectacle and differing from Japan too. The unexpected happening occurred by the first subway movement. Although a name dares lie down, it does not get down at the station from which three women should get down, but rides unenthusiastically splendidly. Although it was a reason that whose persons who carried in the bicycle were obstructive, got down, and did not have, it was the spectacle in which the conte of television was seen completely. In City Center, it separated in three-person one group, and only a meeting time and the meeting place were made to take free time each one of. I enjoyed shopping together with SHINTAROU and MACHIYA. Then, it succeeded in the purchase of a soccer ball by MACHIYA and the Dutch treat. It began to ask for the impossible, saying that soccer wants to carry out MACHIYA after that early. It decided for me and MACHIYA to make SHINTAROU desertion and to return a little before by saying. Since the ground and basket coat of grass were near the Listerholl, permission made 2 to 2 there be nothing by two persons. The free kick was splendid although MACHIYA could not kick a ball directly. The break was taken by the request of MACHIYA which became a fuel piece, and it decided to make a basketball a change of air. 3 seconds after beginning a basketball, it will be at least the disagreeable 10-second back, or the Canadian boys of the next coat have said that they will do the 3 ON 3 together. Too, the people of Canada are friendry. Overdue SHINTAROU was also mixed. Also in the compliment of 3 dollars bought in City Center, SHINTAROU could be called cool, was twisted, was said clearly and has worn not cool to boast. And it was converting. We were able to promote the man of Canada, and exchange through the basket. And even if language did not lead, when there were body langue edge and a smiling face, communication was one wonderful day which has experienced with the body that it can take.