title 見出し


name 担当者氏名


schedule today 今日の予定


main event today 今日の主な出来事

僕はいつも通り6時に目が覚めた、カナダは今日も素晴らしい天気だ。今日はカナダに到着してから初めての休日だ。僕は町屋大介(以下:マチヤ)と倉 品裕也(以下:ユーヤ)を引き連れて、日ごろの疲れを癒すべく、世界で2番目の大きさを誇ると言われる「ウエスト・エドモントン・モール」へショッピング をエンジョイしに行くことにした。このモールの中には確か400くらいの店舗が入っていると調べで分かっていた。僕たちはバスの時刻と行き先を入念に調 べ、朝早くバスに乗り込んだ。しかしどうやら念入りに調べたはずのバスが間違っていたらしく、一向に着く気配がしない。僕たちは不安になり、途中でバスを 降りて道を尋ねることにした。しかしここはカナダ、日本と違って道を尋ねるだけでも一苦労だ。だが逆にいいところもあって、カナダの人々は日本のそれと異 なり、みんな気さくで親切でフレンドリーで愛想が良くてカッコよくてハンサムでクールで非常に話し掛けやすい。ここはチームの中でも飛びぬけてバイタリ ティのある僕が道を尋ねることにした。ただ、いくらカナダの人々が気さくで親切でフレンドリーで愛想が良くてカッコよくてハンサムでクールで話しやすくて も、話し掛けてからが問題であって、何をどう言っていいのやら全く分からない。遊びに行くだけでも精神的に疲れることを学んだ、非常にいい勉強になった。 そんなこんなでようやくウエスト・エドモントン・モールに着いた時にはすでにお昼を回っていた。僕たちはモール内のマクドナルドで昼食をとった。モールは 予想していた通り大きく、1日で全部を回るのは到底不可能と思えた。というより迷子になることが多く、モール内をウロウロしているだけでどんどん時間が過 ぎていったのが現実だった。店を見るときは時間をかけないようにしたが、それでも半分も回れていなかったと思う。あ、あとちなみに、12日の日記で星野君 がモールの大きさを「サティの3倍」と言っているが、そんなモンじゃない。たぶん僕が思うに、サティで言ったら10倍以上はある気がする。なかったらゴメ ン星野君。いやでもホント、歩いてて向こう側が見えない。そうそうところで、一緒に行ったユーヤがスケートをどうしてもしたいと言い張ってダダをこねた が、僕とマチヤは断固拒否した。せっかくの休日の貴重な時間、彼に付き合っている暇はない。今日はモールから帰ってきたあと、みんなでお酒を買って寮で飲 んだ。日本に居るときにくらべて1日の内容が非常に濃い。遊びに行ったのに逆に疲れて帰ってきたが、楽しい1日だった。最高だった。またエドモントン・ モールに行きたいナ(´∪`)☆

Events today in English

I woke up at 6:00 as usual.Canada is also a wonderful weather today.Today is the first holiday after arriving in Canada. We decided to go to "West Edmonton Mall" said to be proud of the 2nd size in the world.I to take a long town store Daisuke (following : MACHIYA) and Yuya Kurashina (following : YUYA), and relieve daily tiredness to enjoy shopping. It about 400 store was contained surely in this mall, I understand by investigation. I investigated the time and the destination of a bus carefully and showed up in the bus early in the morning. However, there is not the sign spread if the bus which must have been investigated carefully somehow is wrong of reaching at all. It decided for me to become uneasy, to get off a bus on the way, and to ask a way. However, it is also difficulties to ask a way here unlike Canada and Japan. But it says conversely and there is also a place, and unlike it Japanese, people of Canada are wholly frank, kind, are amiable in FRIENDLY, and parenthesis is good, they are handsome, are cool, and tend [ very ] to address. It was made for me who excel also in a team and have vitality to ask a way here. however, the thing which is a problem after addressing, however people of Canada are frank, and it is kind, it may be amiable in FRIENDLY, a parenthesis may be good, and it may be handsome, and may be cool and it may be easy to talk, and may say anything how -- it does not understand at all It became the very good study which studied that it was tired only from going to play mentally. When it arrived in West Edmonton Mall at last such being the case, it had already turned around the lunch. I took lunch by Macdonald in a mall. I was able to think that the mall is large as it was expected, and turning around all in one day was impossible absolutely. rather than -- it was actual that time passed rapidly only by becoming a missing child in many cases and loitering around the inside of a mall I also regard looking at a store lightly as the ability to have not turned also around a half. Although it insisted that YUYA which went together wants to surely carry out a skate and was petulant, I and MACHIYA were positively refused. There are not precious time of a special holiday and spare time which associates with him. It came back from the mall, and the back, he bought alcohol all together and it drank in the dormitory today. Compared with the time of being in Japan, the contents on the 1st are very deep. Although it was tired from having gone to play conversely and had come back to it, it was one pleasant day. It was great. We wants to go to the Edmonton mall.

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめ


other その他
