朝食は昨日の夜に大学側が用意してくれたお寿司の残りを食べた。それから準備をして、初日の授業なので英語の先生であるミッシェルがリスターホール まで迎えにきてくれた。みんなで教室までの道のりを歩きながら、ここはなんの教室かを説明してくれた。大学内を移動するといってもうちの大学とは違い、か なり広いので距離があって移動にも一苦労だ。教室につくまでの時間がやけに長く感じた。
教室に着くとさっそく授業が始まった。しかし日本の授業とは違い、ただ聞いているのではなく、会話中心の授業だ。日本でも大学で英語のネイティブの 授業があるが、圧倒的に違うところはすべてが英語で先生は日本語がわからないということ。はじめは全部英語なので聞き取れなくて大変だった。また、自分は わかっていないのに他の人がわかっているのを見て不安を感じたりもした。やはり英語を理解するのは難しいと改めて思った。しかし英語の授業はおもしろい し、先生はやさしいのでとても安心した。
午後からはスカベンジャーハントがあった。これはいわゆるオリエンテーションのようなものだ。二人一組でペアになって4つのチームにわかれた。私た ちのクラスをサポートしてくれているライアンに問題用紙をもらってスタート。まだ2日目なので、学内で行ったことのない場所の方が多いので、すごく大変 だった。しかしこのスカベンジャーハントで、全くわからなかった学内の特徴がよくわかった。いろいろな建物をひとつひとつ周り、歩き回ってとても疲れたが 楽しかった。
We passed the night in Lister for the first time, and saw the morning today. It seemed to be quite sleepy wholly in the state of the jet lag. The tiredness in an airplane remains and the inside of the body is painful.
The lesson of English of ante-meridian is from 8:00 to 12:00. It is quite hot for me weak to a morning that a lesson is from 8:00. But since it was the first day, it was able to occur perfectly, without oversleeping. However, it is anxious in the ability to occur, if it thinks whether this continues every day.
Today's breakfast ate the remainder of the sushi which the university side prepared on yesterday night. And it prepared, and since it was the lesson of the first day, Michelle who is an English teacher picked up to the rister hall. It explained what classroom it was here, walking along the distance to a classroom all together. Although it moves in the inside of a university, unlike an inner university, since it is quite large, there is distance, and they are difficulties also at movement. Time until it reaches a classroom felt it awfully long.
When we arrived at the classroom, the lesson started instantly. However, unlike Japan's lesson, it is not simply heard and is the lesson based on conversation. Although there is a native English lesson at a university also in Japan, say that, as for a teacher, all do not understand Japanese for the place which is overwhelmingly different in English. Since it was all English, it could not catch and was serious in the beginning. Moreover, he looked at that not understanding understood other men, and felt uneasy. I thought anew that it was difficult to understand English too. However, the English lesson was interesting, and since the teacher was easy, he felt easy very much.
There was scavenger hunt from an afternoon. This is like the so-called orientation. It became a pair by 2 sets, and divided into four teams. A question paper is got and started to Lyan who is supporting our class. Since there were more places which have not been performed within the campus since it is still the 2nd day, it was very serious. However, by this scavenger hunt, the intramural feature which was not found at all was found well. It was pleasant, although he walked the circumference of each of, it turned around various buildings and it got very tired.