ホームステイメイトの知斗はまだ寝ているようなので放っておき、家主のジャンさんと2人で朝食を摂った。パンを2枚焼いて食べたが、2枚目を食べ ている最中にカビを発見した。私は間違いなく、すでにカビが生えたパンを1枚食べ終えている。ジャンさんは私に謝ったが、私の気分は朝から相当落ち込んで いた。
朝食を終えて部屋に戻った。知斗は起きているのか寝たままなのかよくわからない。ベッドに横になったままだが、意識はあるようだった。彼は昨日、 昼まで寝ていると宣言していたのだが、どうしてもそれを実行したいのか?私としては、はっきりしてもらわないと困る。同じ部屋にいるため、寝かせておくべ きか?起こすべきか?という下手に近づき難い状態がしばらく続いた。とても迷惑だ。
午後もジャンさんの都合もあってまた留守番をすることになった。 休日だからといって特にやることもないので、宿題がとてもはかどった。とにかく休日は暇で困る。ただ猫と戯れたり、弾けもしないオルガンを弾いてみたり、1000ピースのジグソウパズルに挑んだりしたが、どれも長続きしなかった。授業があった方が断然面白いと思う。 明日はWEMにお土産を捜しにいく予定だ。明日は楽しい日になってほしい。
8:00 a.m. getting up. Morning of Canada is very cold.
Because I still slept, Kazuto of a homestay mate left it and consumed breakfast with 2 with Jean of a landlord. I baked two pieces of bread and ate, but discovered mold while I ate the second piece. I finish certainly eating one piece of bread which mold already grew. Jean apologized to me, but my feeling considerably dropped from morning.
I finished breakfast and came back to a room. I do not understand Kazuto well whether I am sleeping whether I get up. I am lying in a bed, but there seemed to be the consciousness. I declared that he sleeps until yesterday, noon, but why do want to carry it out? I am troubled unless I have you become clear for me. Should I lay you to be in the same room? Should I wake you up? The state that was hard to near poorness continued for a while. It is very annoying.
I was called in a few minutes by Jean. It was expected that I sent a potato to a house of アルバイラ of her friend. It was the first messenger in Canada. The errand was finished without a problem in particular. However, the feeling dropped on mold bread sequentially because I was not able to talk well.
Jean went to a church at the same time as I returned. She goes to a church on every Sunday. Because Kazuto finally rose, I stayed at home with two people.
Afternoon was there were circumstances of Jean, and to stay at home again. Because I said that it was a holiday and did not need to do it in particular, homework progressed very much. A holiday is free somehow and is troubled. But I played with a cat and tried to flip the organ which did not split open and challenged a jig so puzzle of 1000 pieces, but did not last long all. I think that the one where had a class is resolutely interesting. I am going to go to look for a souvenir in WEM tomorrow. I want it to be a pleasant day tomorrow.