title 見出し "Fort Edomonton"
name 担当者氏名
schedule today 今日の予定
8:00a.m〜 授業
1:15p.m〜 Fort Edomonton
3:30p.m〜 Conversation Club
main event today 今日の主な出来事
今日は朝8時からいつもどおり授業。もう4週間目なのにまだ朝早いのに慣れない。そして今朝は特別寒かった。ホームステイ先から大学までバスで1時間くら いかかるので、朝寒いのはとてもつらい。昨日の天気予報では今日は雨だったが、まったく降らなくてよかった。こっちに1年くらい留学に来ている日本人に、 こっちの天気予報はあまり当てにならないと聞いた。 今日の授業は一人一人が家から写真を持ってきて、その人物についてコメントを言う、という内容。例えば、髪の色やスタイル、肌や目の色、笑っているな ど。そういったことが英語で書いてある紙を前日にもらっていたので、わりとやりやすかった。そしてAnetteはイディオムと言っていたが、日本語に訳す とおそらく慣用句のようなものをやった。これは難しくて、直訳しても意味が通らない分、理解するのがなかなか大変だった。次に、Thanks Giving dayのビデオを見て、何を聞き取り何を見たかを話した。Thanks Giving dayにはターキーを、親戚含めかぞくみんなで食べて、収穫に感謝する日だった。アメリカとカナダではThanks Giving dayの日が1ヶ月カナダのほうが早く、それはカナダは早く寒くなるので収穫時期が1ヶ月短いからだった。しかし、このビデオテープがとても傷んでいて、 所々見るのが困難な個所があった。 授業の後半、Bobのクラスにいってゲームをした。職業当てゲームだったが、大して盛り上がらずに終わった。 午後、Fort Edomontonに行った。ここは当時のエドモントンが時代別(1885,1905,1920)にどうであったかを実物大で見せているところで、わりと 楽しかった。そしてここは来月、ブラットピットが主演する映画の撮影が行われるらしいので、写真をたくさん撮っておいた。 今日のConversation ClubはFort Edomontonでやった。うちらのグループはP(ニックネーム)と他6人と平田先生でやった。エドモントンで最初に建てられたというホテルのレストラ ンでConversationした。テーマはテクノジーについてで、日本語で語るのさえ困難なところに、英語だったからなおさら難しかった。 Conversation Clubはだいたい飲み物を飲みながらやっているが、今日は平田先生が全員の分を払ってくれた。ありがとうございました。
Events today in English
I teach it as usual today from 8:00 a.m. I am not yet used in the morning anymore for four weeks though it is eyes though I am early. And it was cold especially this morning. Because it takes it by bus from homestay ahead to a university for one hour, it
is very hard to be cold in the morning. Today was rainy by the yesterday's weather forecast, but did not need to completely fall. 1 heard the weather forecast of this place to the Japanese who came for studying abroad here unless it was exposed too much
. As for the today's class, each one brings a photograph from a house, and it is contents to say comment about the person. For example, I laugh at a color of a color and a style of hair, skin and eyes. Because such a thing was English and got written p
aper on the day before, it was easy to do it comparatively. And Anette said an idiom, but perhaps did a thing such as an idiomatic phrase when I translated it into Japanese. This was difficult, and it was very hard share that did not make sense even if I
translated it literally, to understand. I watched a video of Thanks Giving day next and talked about I heard what and what watched. A relative included a turkey in Thanks Giving day and considered か, and I patted it and ate, and ん was the day that tha
nked a crop. Canada was early in U.S.A. and Canada for one month a day of Thanks Giving day, and it was because I had a short crop time for one month because Canada was early and became cold. However, this videotape ached very much, and there was the poi
nt where it was difficult that I watched several places it. The latter half of a class, a class older brother of Bob played a game. It was an occupation expectation game, but was over not to swell so much. I went in afternoon, Fort Edomonton. Here || E
dmonton of those days || in the times (1885,1905,1920) || was making you look be size of the original how was it, and was happy comparatively. And I took a lot of photographs next month here because photography of the movie that Brad Pitt played the lead
ing part seemed to be done. I gave today's Conversation Club in Fort Edomonton. I gave the group of houses with P (a nickname) and other 6 and Mr. Hirata. I did Conversation at a restaurant of a hotel built first in Edmonton. A theme appeared about tec
hno G, and it was difficult to tell it in Japanese all the more because I was English in a difficult place. I gave Conversation Club while generally taking drink, but Mr. Hirata paid a minute of all the members today. Thank you.
discovery today 今日の異文化発見
roudup today 今日のまとめ
other その他