title 見出し "White Avenue"
name 担当者氏名
schedule today 今日の予定
0900起床 1100White Avenueへ
main event today 今日の主な出来事
授業がないので今日の朝はゆっくり起きることができた。部屋を出ると既にホストマザーのJeanと韓国人留学生のDarrelが起床し朝食を食べていた。 あまり食欲がなかったのでご飯を軽くだけ食べたら「Eat!Eat!」と言われ肉などを食べさせられた。私はおかわりはしないし、勧められても「It's enough」と言っていたのだけれど、どうやらたくさん食べる子だと思われているらしい。ホームステイ一日目に貰ったドーナツがいまだ部屋においてあ る。食べられないと断ってもいつのまにか弁当箱に新しいおかずが入っているのでちょっと困る。今日は梢のホームステイ先近くにある、West Edmonton Mallより安いというスーパーへ土産を買いに行く日だ。11時にHUBステーション集合だったので、10時に家を出てバスからLRTに乗り換え、HUB へと向かった。学校内まで地下鉄(たまに地下から顔を出すのだが)があるというのは大変便利である。バスよりも本数が多いのでいつも帰りの遅い私にはとて も嬉しい。10時50分にステーションに着いたら誰もいなかったのでHUB MALL内へ行ってみた。すると難波と梢が既に到着していてコーヒーを飲んでいた。二人は随分早く到着していたらしく申し訳ない気分になったのだが、時間 内に到着したのに謝るのもおかしいので、行こうと促しバスに乗った。目的地はMill Gateという少し田舎の方面で20分ほどバスに揺られていた。難波と梢は朝食がまだだったらしくスーパー近くのマックに入った。こちらに来て初のマック である。私も軽くしか食べていなかったのでハンバーガーをひとつ頼んだ。難波の頼んだホットチョコレートがひどく甘ったるかった。 ブランチを終えてスーパーに入るとまずその大きさに驚いた。WEMほどの広さはないがスーパーとしてはとても大きい。あまりにも広すぎて先が見えなかっ た。買い物カゴはチェーンで前のカゴに繋がれていて、ルーニーを入れると外れる仕組みなのだが(そのルーニーはちゃんと戻ってくる)私たちは上手く外すこ とが出来ず近くのおばさんに助けを求めた。こちらの人は大変親切で優しく教えてくれた。無事買い物カゴを手に入れ辺りを物色し始めた。食品だけでなく衣服 やおもちゃも売っていて大変にぎやかな場所だ。時間はたくさんあるので土産だけでなくスナック菓子や酒のつまみなども眺めていた。三人で酒飲みたいと連呼 しながら辺りを巡る。何十種類ものパスタや菓子が並んでいるコーナーは、袋にそれぞれをつめグラム数で値段を決める売り方をしていた。変な色のアメが大量 に並んでいる光景は異様である。今海外にいるんだなぁと思ってしまった。ようやくメープルシロップとメープルクッキーを見つけカゴに投入した。二人は一人 7、8箱のクッキーを入れていたので驚いた。私も3箱ほど買ったので帰国時が不安だ。その後、梢のホームステイ先に少し寄り、私は二人と別れた。課題が済 んでなかったので早めに家に帰らなければならなかった。しかし家に帰るとソファが目につき眠りこけてしまった。二時間後の五時にホームステイメイトのさと みに起こされた。少し話しをしていたら階下から知らない男の人が上ってきた。二人して目を丸くしていると「I'm Darrel' friend.」と彼は言った。もう二人現れてきた。一人はウクライナ人で二人は韓国人らしい。NickとDarrelも現れて7人で談話した。ウクライ ナ語はロシア語に少し似ているとウクライナ人のアンドリューは言っていた。その語ホームステイメイトのEnnも加わり8人で夕飯を食べ酒を買いに行った。 以前、メイトのNick達の前で酷く酔っ払ったら以後私に酒を飲ませるのは嫌らしい。「Don't drink!」と何度も叫ばれた。Nickに「アンドリューの英語はとても上手だから聞いた方がいい」と言われたので必死に二人の会話を聞いていたが、 Nickもアンドリューもとても早く話すので全く聞き取れなかった。もう少しゆっくり話してほしかった。九時過ぎになるとアンドリュー達三人は帰った。バ ス停まで見送りNick、Darrel、Enn、さとみ、私の五人は家へと戻り床についた。ソファでよく寝る私を気遣ってNickがタオルケットをかけて くれた。私のホストファミリーは皆すごく優しい。
Events today in English
Because there was not a class, the morning of today was able to be generated slowly. Jean of a host mother and Darrel of a Korean foreign student already got up when I left a room and ate breakfast. If because there were not many appetites, ate rice ligh
tly || "is Eat"! It was said Eat and was made to eat meat. Though I am not replaced and said "It's enough" even if offered, it seems to seem that it is a child eating a lot somehow or other. There is still the doughnut which I got on homestay the first d
ay in a room. Because a new side dish is in a lunch box all too soon even if I decline it with saying that it is not eaten, I am troubled slightly. Today is the day that goes to buy a souvenir for super to be cheap than West Edmonton Mall in homestay ahe
ad neighborhood of a treetop. Because it was a HUB station set, I left a house at 10:00 and changed to LRT from a bus at 11:00 and went to HUB. It is serious convenience that there is a subway (but I sometimes come from a basement) to a school. Because t
here is more number than a bus, I am very always glad to me who am late of a return. Because there was nobody when I touched a station at 10:50, I tried to go to HUB MALL. Then Namba and a treetop already arrived and drank coffee. I seem to have arrived
very early, and two people felt am sorry, but it promoted it to go and got on a bus because what I apologized to though I arrived before time was strange. I rode a bus in the area of some countries of Mill Gate for approximately 20 minutes. Breakfast see
ms to have had not yet come, and Namba and the treetop were in Mac nearly super. I come here, and it is the first Mac. Because I ate lightly, I asked for one hamburger. The hot chocolate which Namba ordered was awfully too sweet.
Finish a branch, and enter a supermarket || was surprised at the size without being rich. There is not area of WEM, but is very big for super. It was too too wide, and I did not see a point. A shopping bag could lead to a basket former with a chain and i
t was structure to come off when I could enter in Loony (the Loony returns properly), but demanded help from aunt nearby not to be able we were delicious, and to take it off. I was very kind, and the person of this place taught it kindly. I obtained a sh
opping bag safely and have begun to look for an area. It is the place that clothes and a toy are sold as well as food, and is very lively. Because there was it, a lot of time looked at snacks of a snack cake and liquor as well as a souvenir. It surrounds
an area while calling it repeatedly when I want to watch drinking heavily with three people. The corner where dozens of kinds pasta and cakes formed a line did how to sell I piled each up in a bag, and to decide a price with the number of the grams. The
scene that candy of a strange color forms a line in large quantities is strange. I have thought I was in abroad now. I finally found maple syrup and Maple Coockie and cast it into a basket. Because they put a cookie of seven or eight one, two people wer
e surprised. Because I bought three boxes, return home time is uneasy. I stopped at homestay ahead of a treetop a little, and I said good-bye to two people afterwards. Because you did not finish a problem, you had to return to a house early.
However, a sofa stood out when I returned to a house and slept and has fallen. I was waked up to consider it to be a thing of a homestay mate at 5:00 after two hours. The man whom I did not know got out of the lower floor when I talked a little. I did tw
o people and was said to round eyes by "I'm Darrel' friend" and him. Two people more appeared. One is a person from Ukraine, and two people seem to be Koreans. Nick and Darrel appeared, too and talked with with seven people. Andrew of a person from Ukrai
ne said that Ukrainian resembled Russian a little. It was accompanied, and I ate supper with eight people, and Enn of the word homestay mate went to buy liquor. It is disgusting formerly to serve me liquor afterward if I awfully got drunk in front of Nic
k of a mate. I was demanded with "Don't drink" many times. Because it was said that "the English of Andrew has had better ask Nick because I was very good", I heard two conversation desperately, but was not able to hear it at all because both Nick and An
drew were very early and spoke it. I wanted you to talk a little more slowly. When it was past 9:00, the Andrew Tatsuzo person returned. I considered it to be seeing off Nick, Darrel, Enn to a bus stop and my five people were sent back to a family and we
re available on a floor. I thought of me who lay in a sofa well, and Nick may have lacked in a towelling blanket. My host family has a gentle all terrifically.
discovery today 今日の異文化発見
roudup today 今日のまとめ
other その他