title 見出し "Outdoor Activity"
name 担当者氏名
浅間 梢
schedule today 今日の予定
午前 乗馬
午後 カンバセーション
main event today 今日の主な出来事
カナダの朝はとても寒い日が多く、新潟の朝とは全然違いました。今日の朝も寒く半袖ではいられないぐらいでした。カナダでは朝と昼間の温度差が激しいと は。今日は晴れていたので時間がたつにつれ太陽が出てきて暖かくなっていき過ごしやすい気候になりました!! 今日の予定は前回中止になったOutdoor Activityの後半。私は乗馬が初めてだったのですごく楽しみでした。朝、HUBモールに集合し静岡大学の留学生と一緒に行きました。着いてから私た ちは二班に別れ最初の班はみんなは乗馬、後の班は馬車に乗り周りを見て回りそれぞれ時間を楽しみました。私は後の班だったので初に馬車に乗りました。 丘に入ってから激しく揺れるようになり、私は酔ってしまいました。でも自然が多く景色は綺麗でした。私たちは馬車に1時間ほど乗って戻りそのちょうど乗馬 の班が帰ってきたので交代!馬に乗る前に私たちは、指示の仕方、乗り方を教えてもらいそれから待ちに待った乗馬!! 私は馬にちゃんと指示ができるかがすごく心配でしたが、ガイドさんの乗った馬が歩き始めると他の馬がその後を歩いていってくれたので心配はありませんでし た。少し乗ると山の方へと入っていくと後ろにいた馬が私の乗っている馬をけって前に行ったので心臓がバクバクいいすごく恐い思いをしたり、途中で馬が食事 を初めてなかなか前に進めなかったりしました。乗馬が終わり次はお昼! お昼のメニューはステーキ、パン、サラダなどがあり、そこにはちゃんとシェフがいて目の前でステーキを焼いてくれた。ステーキはとても香ばしく、また、外 の空気が綺麗でさらにおいしく感じました。バーベキュウの中には、豆を使った甘いソースやトウモロコシがあって色鮮やかでとても良かったです。 その後、HUBモールへ戻りカンバセーションクラブが始まりました。私は、デイブというブロンドヘアーの白人でした。話はとても面白く、私は話を聞くのに 真剣でした。けれど、馬乗りで疲れていたため、とても辛かったです。疲れた後で辛かったけれど、2時間ほど会話を楽しみました。 その後、私はホームステイ先に帰りホストマザーと一緒に夕食を楽しみました。夕食は、牛肉とサラダとマッシュポテトでとてもおいしかったです。余談ですが 私のマザーは、ケーキ作りがとても上手でおいしいです。私は毎朝、食べていました。
Events today in English
There were a lot of very cold days, and it differed from the morning of Niigata at all in the morning of Canada. There was not able to have been a short sleeve this morning cold it. In Canada ..violent the temperatures fluctuate in the morning and daytim
e... Because it had cleared up today, the sun rose as time passed, it became warm, and it became a climate spent easily. Today's schedule : in the latter half of Outdoor Activity canceled last time. It was terrible and the enjoyment. It went to the HUB l
ace with the international student at gathering Shizuoka University in the morning. Horse riding and the following group turned and enjoyed time respectively ..the first group.. all of our separation after it arrived into two groups because it rid on a c
arriage and they looked around one. It rid on a carriage first because I was the following group. It comes to shake violently after it enters the hill, and I have gotten drunk. However, nature was beautiful and a lot of sceneries were beautiful. We retur
n taking the wagon for about one hour and the group of horse riding just ..that.. alternates because they came back. We had not had worry because other horses walked afterwards when the horse on which Mr. guided rid began to walk before it rid on the hor
se though were terrible and worried about whether the horse was able to direct the rode a horse me who taught and looked forward to the method and how of the instruction to get on eagerly neatly. The heart advanced it, and Bacbac did not have a good, ter
rible, scary time, and did not advance meal ahead by the horse for the first time easily on the way because the horse that was behind kicked the horse on which I had rid when entering the mountain when a little getting on and it went ahead. It is daytime
that the end is the next. ride a horseThe menu of daytime were the steak, bread, and the salad, etc. , there was neatly a chef there, and grilled a steak in the presence. The steak was very fragrant, and was beautifully felt more delicious by the air ou
tside. A sweet source that used the bean and corn were very good in Barbecuu. it was and a vivid colorAfterwards, the return conversation club started to the HUB lace. I was a white of blond hair named Dab. The talk was very interesting, and I was seriou
s to hearing the story. It was very painful because it was tired because of sitting astride. kickedAfter it had become tired, it enjoyed talking for about two hours though it was painful. Afterwards, I enjoyed myself over supper with the return host moth
er the homestay ahead. Supper was very delicious in beef, the salad, and the mashed potatoes. My mother is very good and delicious in the cake making though is a bytalk. I was eating every morning.
discovery today 今日の異文化発見
roudup today 今日のまとめ
other その他