title 見出し "ITクラス初日"

name 担当者氏名


schedule today 今日の予定

9:00〜12:00 ITクラス 12:00〜FREE

main event today 今日の主な出来事

今日でカナダに来て5日目だ。今日は9時からカナダに来て初めてのITクラス(Computer Lab Time)があった。いつもは8時から英語の授業だが、今日のITクラスは9時から授業だったので7時頃起きて朝食にパンを食べた。カナダの生活に大分慣れてきたが朝と夜が非常に寒くて 昼との気温差が激しいことにはまだ慣れていない。また、カナダの食べ物はあまりおいしいとは思えない。今日の朝食に食べたパンとジュースも非常に甘かった。ジュースなどの甘いものは日本に比べて非常に甘くいなっているし、肉などの油を使って調理した物は非常に脂っこい。 水道水をそのまま飲めないので、水を買って飲まなければならないのも面倒だ。朝食を食べた後、寮から歩いてエクステンションセンターまで移動した。エクステンションセンターはビルのような場所で寮から約20分ぐらいで着いた。ITクラスは合計5回しかないので初日から難し い授業かと思っていたが、なぜかはよくわからないが、ITクラスの先生のマークが授業に来なくて授業がなかなか始まらなかった。30分ぐらい待った後、授業が始まったが結局マークは最後まで来なかったのでどの程度ホームページの作成をできるかマークに教えるための簡単なホ ームページを各自作成して、ファイルに添付し自分の作りたいホームページはどのようなものか書いてマーク宛にファイルを送信したら授業が終わることになった。その後、各自で2時間ぐらいホームページを作成し今日の授業は終わった。授業の後HUB Mallに行って昼食を食べた・ りUB Mallには食べ物屋や雑貨屋など様々な店があり非常に便利な場所だ。HUB Mallに住んでいる人もいるそうだが、外で物音がすること以外は非常に生活に便利な環境だと思う。今日の昼食はハブモールにあるEdo(江戸)Japan という店で食べた。 この店のスキヤキビーフというメニューは非常においしい。スキヤキビーフとチキン&ビーフというメニューしか注文したことがなかったので今日はハワイアン というメニューを注文してみた。しかし、失敗だったと注文したものを見て思った。今日は、午後から予定がなく各自自由だったので「WEST  EDMONTON MALL」(WEM)へ買い物に行った人もいたが疲れていたので友達と部屋でトランプをして過ごしていたが楽しかった。今日の夕食は寮 の近くの店で売っていたハンバーガーを食べた。そして、夕食後テレビを見た。カナダのテレビのチャンネルは非常に多いがもちろん英語なのでほとんど意味は 理解できない。今日は22時頃に寝た。

Events today in English

I comes to Canada by the end of today, and is the 5th day. I came to Canada from 9:00, and there was first IT class (Computer Lab Time) today. Although we were always the lesson of 8:00 to English, from 9:00, since today's IT class was a lesson, I got up at 7:00, and ate bread for breakfast. Although I has got used to the life of Canada very much, it is not used to it being very cold a morning and night and a temperature difference with daytime being acute yet. Moreover, I cannot think that the food of Canada is not much delicious. The bread and juice which were eaten for today's breakfast were also very sweet. The thing which had come to be in sweet things, such as juice, very indulgently compared with Japan, and was cooked using oil, such as meat, is very greasy. Since tap water cannot be drunk as it is, it is also troublesome that he has to buy water and it must be drunk. After eating breakfast, I walked from the dormitory and I moved to the extension center. The extension center reached in about a bout 20 minutes from the dormitory in a place like a building. Since there was a total only of five IT classes, I thought whether to have been a difficult lesson from the first day, but although why was not understood well, the Mark of the teacher of IT class did not come for a lesson, and a lesson did not start easily. Since the mark did not come to the last after all although the lesson started after waiting for about 30 minutes, the easy homepage for being able to perform creation [ how many ] of a h omepage or teaching a mark is created each one, and when the homepage which we wants to attach to a file and to make is written in what kind of thing and transmitted the file to the mark, a lesson will finish it. Then, the homepage was created by each on e for about 2 hours, and today's lesson finished. I carried out after HUB Mall the lesson and lunch was eaten. There are various stores, such as a restaurant and a miscellaneous-goods store, in HUB Mall, and it is a very convenient place. Although that i s right, I think that it is environment very convenient to live except the thing some persons who live in HUB Mall are and which a noise does outside. Today's lunch is Edo Japan in a hub mall. I ate in the store to say. A menu called the sukiyaki beef of this store is very delicious. Since only a menu called sukiyaki beef and chicken & beef had been ordered, a menu called Hawaiian was ordered today. However, I saw and considered what was ordered as it was failure. It was pleasant although I was passing by carrying out cards from the afternoon with friend and the room today, since I was tired, although there were some persons who there was no schedule, and carried out to shopping to "WEST EDMONTON MALL" (WEM) since we were freedom each one. This supper ate the hamburger currently sold at the store near the dormitory. And I watched television after supper. Although there are very many channels of the television of Canada, since they are English, of course, a meaning can hardly be understood. I slept tod ay around 22:00.

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめ


other その他
