今日はカナディアンロッキーツアー2日目です。 ロッキーだからといって朝は特別寒いと言うわけでもないのですが、相変わらずこの国の朝は寒いです。リスターホールでの貧しい食生活とは違い、朝からお いしい食事をいただきました。 午前中は LAKE LOUISE に行きました。そびえ立つ断崖と透き通った湖、緑深い山。まさに絶景。昨日にひきつづき自然のすばらしさに感動しました。ここでは3人1組 手漕ぎボートで湖を散策しました。みんながボートに初挑戦ということもあり、皆が転覆を怖がっていました。(着替えがない、電子辞書やデジカメなどの精密 機械を持ってるなど不安要素多数あり)1時間程度でしたが、楽しいひと時でした。ボートの操作で精一杯で景色を楽しむ余裕がなかったのが残念でしたが、み んな無事に戻って来れました。
湖畔のいかにも豪華そうなホテルで昼食を取った後、JOHNSTON'S CANION にいきました。駐車場から1.5キロほどの遊歩道を歩き、渓谷や滝を見ながら森林浴を楽しみました。途中で野生のリスに出会ったのですが、 ここのリスは人を怖がる様子がなく、近くで写真をとることができます。豪快に流れ落ちている滝を見て、自然のすごさに再び感動しました。(注;高所恐怖症 の人にはお勧めできません。) 夕方はバンフという町の商店街で買い物をしました。この街は土産物屋がたくさんあり、まさに観光客向けの街です。店には日本人のスタッフがいたり、日本 語で商品説明が書いてあったり、日本料理店も数件あるなど、日本人に対してはとても良心的な街でした。日本語のアルバイトの求人の広告があったり、サイト ウという店があったりして面白かったです。夕飯はこの街で食べました。
Today is Canadian Rocky Mountains tour the second day. I say that it is the Rocky Mountains and do not say that morning is cold especially, but morning of this country is cold as ever. I was different from the poor eating habits in a re-star hall and h ad a delicious meal from morning.
I went in LAKE LOUISE in the morning. A cliff and the mountain where transparent lake, green are deep which it rises, and stand. It is right a superb view. It went down yesterday and continued and was impressed in na tural splendor. I took a walk through a lake in three one pack of hand-worked fishing boat boats here. All could say the first challenge to a boat, and everybody was afraid of overturn. (I have the electronic dictionary that there is not a change of clot hes and a precision instrument such as a digital camera, and there are a lot of uneasy elements), for around 1 hour, it was pleasant person time. I was sorry that I was not able to afford to enjoy scenery by operation of a boat as hard as possible, but I returned to the all safety and was able to come.
I lived for JOHNSTON'S CANION after having taken lunch in the lakeside hotel which seemed to be quite luxurious. I walked a promenade of approximately 1.5 kilos from a parking lot and enjoyed taking a walk through the woods while watching ravine and a waterfall. I came across a wild squirrel on the way, but a squirrel of here does not have a state to be afraid of a person and nearby can take a photograph. I was impressed to take the waterfall which I drifted, and fell daring in natural horror again. ( a note;) I cannot recommend it to a person of fear of heights ||)
The evening did shopping at a shopping district of a town of Banff. There are a lot of souvenir shops, and this town is right a town designed for tourists. The Japanese staff reached a shop, and article explanation was written in Japanese, and there were several Japanese restaurants, and it was the town which was very conscientious for a Japanese. There was an advertisement of an offer of a position of a Japanese part-time job and th ere was the shop which said a rhinoceros cane and was interesting. I ate the supper in this town.
I get on a bus from a town of Banff for approximately 5 minutes, and it is come by a hotel. There seems to have been the person whom I gave it to whom I went to a pub with Ryan because it was free action, and drank it after having arrived at a hotel, b ut I slept promptly because I was tired.